The main topic here is whey protein. Let us know the benefits of whey protein . In this article we will understand the 3 key main aspects of whey protein, but first please watch the video given below and subscribe the channel.
Whey protein is a mixture of proteins isolated from whey, which is the liquid part of milk that separates during cheese production. Milk actually contains two main types of protein: casein (80%) and whey (20%).Whey is found in the watery portion of milk. When cheese is produced, the fatty parts of the milk coagulate and the whey is separated from it as a byproduct If you have ever opened a yogurt container to see liquid floating on top — that’s whey. After being separated during cheese production, whey goes through various processing steps to become what people generally recognize as whey protein — a powder that is added to shakes, meal replacements and protein bars .Whey protein doesn’t taste good which is why it’s usually flavored. Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry-flavored powders are popular .It’s important to read the ingredients list, as some products may have unhealthy additives like refined sugar. Taking whey protein is a convenient way to add protein on top of your daily intake. This can be important for bodybuilders athletes and gym enthusiasts, as well as people who need to lose weight or are simply lacking protein in their diet. Whey is generally well tolerated, though people with lactose intolerance need to be careful, and some people may even be allergic to it. When whey protein is being made from yogurt the 95% of lactose is being cut down so if someone is having lactose intolerance then they can also consume.
there are several types of whey protein. Their main difference is in the way they have been processed. Whey protein can be made concentrated or isolated or hydrolysate. Let us know the main difference between them.
1 CONCENTRATED- it contains about 70-80% of protein ,contains some amount of lactose(milk sugar) fat and tastes good.
2 ISOLATED- it contains 90% of protein and less amount of lactose fat and less amount of beneficial nutrients found in whey protein concentration.
3 HYDROLYSATE- it is also known as hydrolyzed whey .This type has been pre-digested so that it gets absorbed faster. It causes a 28-43% greater spike in insulin levels as compared to isolate.
Since concentrated contains more of lactose and fat it is much better in taste as compared to others but if you have lactose intolerance this may not be a better option for you but if someone is trying to emphasize on protein while keeping carbs and fat low then protein isolate and hydrolysate may be a better option.
The main purpose of whey protein is to increase muscle mass and strength .whey protein is mainly popular amongst athletes bodybuilders and fitness models. The ways by which whey protein promotes muscle gain includes-
1 BUILDING BLOCKS: it provides protein and amino acids which promotes muscle growth.
2 HORMONES: it increases the release of anabolic hormones that can stimulate muscle growth, such as insulin.
3 LEUCINE: It’s high in the amino acid leucine, which is known to stimulate muscle protein synthesis at the molecular and genetic level.
4 FAST ABSORBTION: Whey protein is absorbed and utilized very quickly compared to other types of protein
Whey protein has promoted in muscle growth when consumed before after or during workout. Protein synthesis maximum in the time period after training. however it doesn’t matter that when we are consuming protein all depends on overall protein. As compared to other protein, such as soy protein, whey protein is slightly better.
Drishti is an avid fitness enthusiast and helped innumerous number of people in reaching their fitness goals. She is here to make a difference to your health and fitness.