HIIT(high intensity interval training) helps in gaining muscles and loosing fat, by this we can increase growth hormone by 771%. Exercise which can help in growth hormone is sprinting. Sprinting is very effective and plays an important role for increasing growth hormone. For HIIT(high intensity interval training) exercises like sprinting is very effective for growth hormone. Running at one place at very a high speed can be very effective and can burn high amount of calories at the same time. This reduces stress and increases growth hormone.

In this, we can run for 20-30 seconds at a very high speed and take 90 seconds rest and do the same for more than once. If you are doing HITT for 20 minutes then do sprinting for atleast 10 times. According to research, sprint increases growth hormone and some of the points must be kept in mind. Research link will be provided at the end of the blog. Make sure not to take stress, take adequate sleep, drink atleast 10 glasses of water, intermittent fasting .While doing high intensity interval training one should keep in mind to take proper rest because this can cause growth hormone trigger, which is also known as cortisol (scientific word) .This is increases trigger in our body which is not a good sign .That is why it is important to take proper rest after HITT for proper recovery .If you are suffering from some kind of injuries then cycling or swimming can also increase growth hormone.

research link-Boost Your Human Growth Hormone in 20 Minutes! – Garma On Health

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