Occasionally when we consume fast food in high amount then weight gain is obvious or when work load is high at home or office that you don’t get time to perform any physical activity. These are normal but sometimes we don’t understand that how 2-3kgs has increased in such a less time ?here it becomes important to know the reasons behind gaining weight so fast.

Let’s know the 5 reasons that why you gained weight so fast

1.HIGH AMOUNT OF SALT- Due to excess sodium intake body starts conserving more amount of sodium and by this weight gain is obvious. Outside food contains high amount of sodium.one common person recommended daily allowance of salt is 2300mg which is equal to one teaspoon but we consume in high amount and we are unaware of this. For example, a 100g packet of chips contains atleast 950mg of salt.

2.YOU ARE ON MEDICATIONS- Due large amount of medicines intake, weight gain is possible, medicines related to depression and heart issues leads to weight gain and also related to painkillers and anti allergic medicines can also leads to weight gain.

3.EATING OVER YOUR MAINTAENANCE-when you are eating more than your maintenance then weight gain is obvious but some people are not able to realise that how much calories they are taking in. When you are eating above your maintenance calories for weeks and months then weight gain upto 3-5kgs are obvious. When you are eating extra 500 calories then slowly weight gain starts to increase. This can happen by buying larger plates or eating in a restrant every weekend or ordering from outside or eating faster.

4.HIGH CARBOHYDRATE DIET-when we go from low carbohydrate diet or ketogenic diet to high carbohydrate diet then weight gain is sure. This is because excess carbohydrate converts into glycogen and gets stored in liver. Every one gm of glycogen can store thrice water.

5.RECENTLY LOST TOO MUCH OF WEIGHT-what if once all the fat is lost and then they never comes back? But this can never be happen. Our body is smart, once we loose fat then body tries to collect fat again this is because our forefathers were hunters, so body stores fat so that if we do not get food then body can survive for long.